The project receives funding from the European Erasmus+ programme
Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Strategic Partnerships for school education
ROBOPISCES Innovative Educational Robotics strategies for Primary School Experiences
01/09/2019 – 31/08/2022
382240.5 EUR
Partners from Croatia, Greece, Latvia, Ireland, Italy and Malta
RoboFISH Basic Toolkit was specially developed to bring the first ten topics of the FISH curriculum into the classrooms and help teachers adopt technologies in their educational activities.
The RoboFISH Basic Toolkit contains a microcontroller (M5StickC) and a studied set of plug-and-play add-ons such as sensors and actuators. The kit allows the creation of robotic solutions, IoT systems and is valid for every school level.
This tool was designed to facilitate the teaching of Robotics and STEAM subjects with a particular focus on raising environmental awareness.
The programming activity can be easily carried out through UIflow, a graphical programming environment (in blocks) and accessible via a browser. The ease and intuitiveness of using the blocks allow teachers and young students to embrace the world of programming easily.
For the more experienced and those looking for more complex challenges, the kit’s components are programmable in various other programming languages such as MicroPython, C++ or via the Arduino IDE. All this makes the teaching potential of the equipment highly adaptable to multiple age groups.
The RoboFISH Basic Toolkit is assembled from a set of commercial components that can be retrieved through various e-commerce.
The complete version of the kit can be requested at the project coordinator (UNIVPM – d.scaradozzi@univpm.it) or purchased through ANcybernetics s.r.l. (www.ancybernetics.it), which is a startup that deals with underwater and educational robotics, born within the framework of the European project RoboPisces.
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